Fabric Storage Tips

The storage area should be clean, cool, dry, and dark. If possible free it from drastic changes in temperature and humidity. 

Fabric should be stored as clean as possible because dust particles cut fibers through friction and abrasion.

Fabrics that cannot be cleaned should be vacuumed. However, samplers, painted and embroidered pictures, and beaded work should not be vacuumed.

Try to store flat. If folding is necessary, avoid sharp folds by padding at the points of the folds.

Cottons and linens should not have any direct contact with wood, blue tissue, regular tissue, or other wrapping paper.

Fragile fabrics should be rolled over cloth-covered cardboard tubes.

Should not be exposed to the light.

Fabrics should be removed from storage periodically and it should be aired.

Avoid folding tapestries and rugs. If necessary, it should be in the direction that is natural for it, usually parallel to the weft.

Costume items should be stored flat and should not be crushed by heavier textiles stored on top of them.

If hangers are used, it should be well padded.