German Trade Show 2008 in Dhaka
November 07, 2008 (Bangladesh)

The German Trade Show 2008, organized by the Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the support of Federal Republic of Germany and GTZ, kicked off yesterday at Bangladesh-China Friendship Conference Centre, Dhaka.

At this first ever German fair in Bangladesh, about 70 companies from various sectors like including chemical, machinery, garment, leather goods and footwear are participating here.

Commerce Adviser Hossain Zillur Rahman said at the inaugural ceremony of the 3-day show, “We are gradually witnessing the reflection of excellence in our business process. We all have to take initiative for improved business practices. We expect that the future political leadership will take notes of these changes and take it forward.”

German Ambassador Frank Meyke, Board of Investment Executive Chairman Kamaluddin Ahmed and German-Bangla chamber President Saiful Islam were also present here.

Ambassador Meyke informed ready-made-garments continued to be Bangladesh’s most important export goods to Germany. However, he stressed that there is great potential for expansion to other sectors.

“This event may usher a new German investment interests in Bangladesh, which will be very timely and encouraging. We are determined to offer all supports to ensure increased flow of productive investment,” he said.