Jute Fabric

Jute fabric is widely used fabric after cotton. It is very versatile and economical. It is eco-friendly and do not degrade on exposure to sun light. The fabric is very strong and durable. It is ideally being used as bags and sacks for packing since ages. Today, it is much soughted for fashionable cloths, home furnishing and fashion accessories.

At present Bangladesh is the largest cultivator of jute whereas India is the largest jute goods manufacturer. The other jute producing countries are China, Thailand, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal.

Process of making Jute Fabric

Jute fabric is obtained from the jute plant. It is an annual plant, which thrives best in moist soil in a hot and humid climate. The seeds are hand-sown and the plants mature in 3 months with an average height of 10 to 12 feet. It gets light green leaves and small yellow flowers, blooming singly or in clusters. When these blossoms start shedding, the plants are harvested. 

The stalks which are cut is sorted according to the length and gathered into bundles. These stalks are placed in shallow pools of stagnant water to loosen the fiber from the woody tissue. After enough softness is achieved, the fibers are separated and hung on lines to dry. These fibers are then sorted, graded, and baled and send to mills for spinning it into final products.

The strength, color and fineness of jute grown in different areas vary. To make it uniform, the different fibers are first blended. The jute is next fed into a softener where it is treated with oil and water and is passed between sets of heavy spiral fluted rollers. This process removes barky portions from the fiber. The fibers are carded in machines reducing the average length by teasing and combing.

The carded jute is fed into drawing machines where it becomes thiner and smoother. After this, it goes to the roving department, where it imparts a slight twist to the sliver and is send for spinning. Spinning converts it into a finished yarn. 

Jute Fabric Products

Hessian - A plain weave cloth made wholly of Jute with single warp and weft interwoven weighing not more than 576 grms/m2. It is used for making bags or as a cover to pack the material.

CBC - A cloth made wholly of jute not less than 104" wide, weighing not less than 169 gms/m2. Having oil content not more than 2%. It is used as primary and secondary backing for the carpets.

Sacking - Either plain or twill weave cloth made wholly of jute, inter-woven, weighing not less than 407 gms/m2. It is used for packing of grains, chemicals, etc.

Heavy Fabric/Canvas/Tarpaulin variety - A plain weave cloth made of jute in a wide range of construction & weights. It is used for manufacture of different types of bags including postal mail bags, high quality seed bags. Bitumen coated tarpaulin bags are used in the fertilizer industry.

Jute Yarn - It is used for weaving as a filler yarn for carpet industry. For binding of the packed bags and for cable & explosive industry.

Webbing - A narrow weave tape made of jute using single or plied jute yarn having width of not more than 6". It is used for the Cable industry.

Speciality Items - Hydrocarbon Free Jute bags/fabric are used for packing Cocoa / Coffee / Shelled nuts. Odourless bags for Tea Packing. Speciality Jute fabrics are used for shopping bags, Carry Bags(printed or plain) with handles / chains Carpets, Rugs and FloorCoverings

Non Woven Jute Felt - It ranges from 250 to 1200 gms/m² both supported and unsupported. It is used for industrial, moulded panels, insulation, acoustics, footwear, upholstry backing.

Characteristics of Jute Fabric 
It is strong.
It is a good insulator of heat and electricity.
It is stable to sunlight. It does not degrade on exposure to sun light.
It has a moderately high density.
It is not sensitive to chemical attack.
It is environmentally friendly.
The burning emitted fumes have no adverse effects to human body.
It is reparable and reusable.
It is reparable and reusable.
Uses of Jute Fabric 
It is ideally used as bags and sacks for packing.
It is used as a carrier and backing fabric for carpets, linoleum, cordage and twines.
It is used as webbing to cover inner springs of the auto seats.
It is used as upholstery of furniture.
It is used as roofing and floor covering apparel, footwear lining, wall covering and furnishing fabric.
It is used for erosion control.
It is used as fashion accessories.
It is used for fashion garments, tapestries, soft luggage, etc.